What is an "America-Patriot"?

If you care about this great land, pledge your alliegenece, challange officials, contribute and build, you are an America-Patriot. Just like the veterans designing our apparel and manufacutring in Charlotte NC, we strive to put our pride in Country on display in unique ways.

  • Not So Legal Disclaimer

    Our Special editions are opinion pieces of art. They will contain but not be limited to political, religious, military humor, seriousness, satire etc. They are not statements being made to disparage one group or another however to create convesations, give smiles and help folks not take themselves so serious. If you disagree or feel offended, please email Support@America-Patriot with "Crabby Patty" in the subject line and we'll ensure it routes to the trash. :-D

    Official Terms 
  • Note to Fellow Americans

    We are the envy of the world. Are we perfect, hell no, but what we are is faithful; Faithful to God, our families, and our country, the greatest United States of America. Our mission is simple: to rally together a community of fierce, liberty-loving patriots who refuse to settle for anything less than the American dream. Each design encapsulates the unwavering spirit that fuels this nation, a symbol of defiance against tyranny and a commitment to upholding the principles our founding fathers envisioned.

    Wearing our apparel goes beyond making a fashion statement; it's a proclamation of your dedication to preserving the foundations that America was built upon. With every purchase, you become part of a movement that empowers individuals, supports veterans, and advocates for the rights and freedoms that have made this country shine.

  • Special Thanks

    To our brothers and sisters in ARMS serving CONUS and OCONUS be safe and conitnue to maintain the structure of the mission.

    To our First responders, continue to be safe and perform the duties that an oath was taken to uphold. Be safe.

    Our Teachers, sciencetist, bus drivers, food services, waste disposal, therapist, carpenters, painters, concrete workers, retail and all others, thank you for making our country what it is. Everyone that contributes, shapes the land.

    Pastors, priest thank you and ensure to hold yourselves accountable to GOD and your congregation.

  • We the People

    We the people Demand

    *Term Limits in Congress and Senate (12yr)

    *Better Veteran resources

    *Ban on sitting officials investing in stock markets or area they have influence in or direct conflict of interest.

    *Ban on officials taking "Donations" from Lobbyist and special interest groups

    *Trumping the last tatement, elimination of Lobbying

    *Congressional Pay and Assets assumed while in office Freezes when the GOV shutsdown due to self-interest of those impacting the American people because of antiquated party lines

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